ok here is what I need a price for shipped to USA S.TX ways 78102
zip code.
15kv 500 to 550pf air cap kit. I will put it together as your
kits seem very well laid out and not too hard to understand how
to slide things together. my opnly hassle will be to check and be
sure it is correctl PF mostly in the end. Are a 550pf available.
I think I will go there a little more will not kill me but a
little more place to go. the 1 I use now is full open and not
really used so to speak and I am thinking a little more withit
may just give me that little extra space to tune this skywire
loop on balanced tuner.
SO I need a price now is all my friend including s/h. I have
money coming to pay for it just need to tell them how much I need
and give it mail time to get it here and get a MOney oprder or
paypal to you whioch ever you prefer. does not matter to me
either. since money will be in my hand and mnot paypal I can mail
it faster as paypal will take 3-4 days to xfer from my bank to
paypal 1st then to you will be instant.
1- 550 15kv or little larger is ok but no lower then 500pf -
even if I had to go 600 it will work ok. just do not want any
larger. so this gives me a space when putting together of
500-6-00pf LOL cant go wrong with that size of gap putting
topgether a kit.
I just want to make it legal limit power usable. Do you feel
the 15kv will be enough to cover 1500 watts of power being pushed
threw it to a balanced feed lines only.
I will also be building a coax side for this same tuner as soon
as I get this where I want it then I will do a addon for it to do
coax cables also. like it to handle 3-4 antennas total maybe 2
balanced feeders and 2-4 coaX fereders in the end. so I will be
needing m ore caps soon as I figuire out how I am going to make
the changes to my tuner now. switch wise and such.
if you ever see a single pole 12 position rotary switch let me
know also ok. I need 1 to repair a dentron super tuner. 1kw setup
I was going to part out this dentron tuner and use it for parts
on my balanced but it only needs 1 position fixed I couldn't take
it apart. too nice of a older tank to beat it up like that.
be cool looking forward to more deals also. please a price is
needed for final s/h and all on the 550 15kv ( or 500-600 15kv)
cap kit.
I am not sure on the OD sizes either. I will let you choose what
you feel is best I do have a box that is a good 6" tall and 4"
wide spot to sit cap into tuner box I have now. again unsure
there. But I can say this I can trust y ou as your the maker and
god knows how many you have built over the years and know your
materials and caps better then I ever will for sure. send the
best size you feel will do the job the best on a balanced tuner
at 15kv. I hope they not too unreal on prices for a kit. I do
want to put it together for sure to learn more and say yes I did
that kit also. I may have to double up the choke in my system
with 2 sets for 160m side and 80m side. just to see if it will
play better. I know just new placements and shielding the box
will help by giving a metal base at least inside of the wood box
I made. then I can say everything will have 1 common ground plate
on bottom and mount everything to it and that solves some
possible ground loops or anything like that.
be cool I better stop as I know I am rambling now on things you
do not want or need to know. so thanks just send prices for the
kits please. I get 1 I will learn allot there and know more for
the next kit I will order. I like to build and learn at same time.
fr ed rugar
info is all good on qrz and most lookup[s for my info.
Post by p***@public.gmane.org2.5-25KV BUTTERFLY CAPACITOR KITS VA6POP
I can build for u any air variable capacitors kits
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=thw0RLOh6zM
http://youtu.be/fV-FWF QO6As
http://youtu.be/dmZxgm alP9g
http://forums.qrz.com/showthre ad.php?351604-Butterfly-
http://forums.qrz.com/showthre ad.php?378701-2-5-15kv-
yo5bzz(at)gmail.com <http://gmail.com/>
* Location: Calgary,CANADA